11 March 2013


I think... the world is too small a place for my comfort. It gets epic sometimes when people cross paths and im like whaaaaaat before going into crazy-fish-out-of-water mode. Blessedly this hasn't happen too many times. 

But it has happened enough times for me to realize I need to deal with it. I mean, c'mon how long more am I going to squirm about and feeling all icky inside. There are just going to be such people who hold no part of my life and heck, may not even know i exist. I can no longer afford to spend brain cells on them!!!!! 

So... i'd say BRING IT ON >:) 

ok now to proceed to frozen longans and an episode of Parks & Recreation, yum for both.


  1. Live your life to the fullest. Don't let anyone affect you negatively. Just do good.

  2. Negative vibes will just make you feel down, don't let it happen. Keep a smile always and live your life lightly. Just pray.

  3. Do what you want in your life. People may judge you, but don't worry if they criticize you, it's your life. Just enjoy the life given to you by the Creator.

  4. Enjoy your life to the fullest. Don't be discouraged with all the negative aspects. Be optimistic.
